All our schools are registrated within the University of the Nations, UofN, this university was born out of YWAM. Founded upon biblical principles, the UofN fulfills its commitment to Christ and His Great Commission by equipping men and women with spiritual, cultural, intellectual, and professional training, and inspiring them to continually grow in their personal relationship with God while also seeking to make Him known among all peoples in all nations.


Discipleship Training School

The Discipleship Training school is a life change adventure that will give you the opportunity to become more the person God has intended you to be. Following our YWAM motto ‘Know God and Make Him known’  this 5 months course will change your life for the good.



Foundations in Education

In Mozambique we need God fearing people who are willing to take up their part in sharing the Gospel and changing this beautiful nation into a Christ like nation. For that we need this and the next generation and so one of our focusses is on primary education. To train our teachers well we have every second year the Foundation in Educations where you will be trained to become even a better teacher.
